Benton's Hickory Smoked Country Bacon Ends

Benton's Hickory Smoked Country Bacon Ends

1 lb. Pack
$15.00 /lb.
Avg. 1 lb.

Pork Bellies from our pasture pigs are turned into bacon at Benton's Hickory Smoked Country Hams smokehouse and plant in Madisonville, TN. This bacon is dry cured by hand with salt, brown sugar, and black pepper.  After about three weeks curing and drying in refrigeration, it is thoroughly smoked in their wood stove smokehouse for two to three days continuously. Finally, it is packed by hand, mere feet from the smokehouse. We hope you enjoy it! 

This is not the nice 1lb packages of sliced bacon that you may expect.  Ends and pieces are the cut offs when the belly is trimmed and sliced.  So you can end up with half slices, thicker chunks, and crispy ends.  It's still delicious, flavorful and all around great, but not quite the neat clean bacon slices you will get normally.